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UV-C Disinfection for areas and surfaces.

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Contaminated environmental surfaces have been shown to be an important source for transmission of germs. Effective cleaning and disinfection can decrease the load. Environments are complex, which can often result in cleaning that is inadequate. 

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Features & Benefits

To offset these challenges, adjunct technologies such as UV-C disinfection have been introduced to enhance the effectiveness of manual disinfection.

UV-C has long been proven as an effective technology to reduce contamination by using short-wavelength ultraviolet (UV-C) light to kill or inactivate microorganisms by destroying nucleic acids and disrupting their DNA, leaving them unable to perform vital cellular functions. 

There are many UV-C devices offered in the market with varying designs. Since UV-C disinfection involves light waves, it is important to ensure these devices are in “line of sight” to those surfaces most likely to be contaminated or frequently touched in a patient environment.

As demonstrated in several studies, the power and speed of UV-C disinfection can be impacted by distance and angle. The strength of the UV-C light decreases the further away it gets from the light source, following the inverse square law. Because of this, the design of the UV-C device can impact the strength of dose applied to surfaces, impacting the level and speed of disinfection. 

Using the principles of physics, Moonbeam3’s lightweight frame and individually adjustable, articulating arms allow it to be positioned at almost any angle to target the UV-C light, enabling improved UV-C dosing with reduced energy.

Users can position the heads to optimize UV-C dosing of surfaces and equipment. This flexible device is easily positioned throughout a room or facility to enable fast and effective disinfection cycles. 

A new angle in hard surface disinfection 

MoonBeam3 is a portable, powerful solution that disinfects quickly, reliably and responsibly. MoonBeam3 is designed for fast, on-demand disinfection of high-touch surfaces in classrooms, offices, public facilities and bathrooms and can be used on equipment, fixtures, keyboards, monitors and workstations. 

Three individually-adjustable, arms can be positioned at almost any angle to optimize the UV-C light, enabling improved UV-C dosing with reduced energy. Users can position the heads for both horizontal and vertical surfaces and equipment. This flexible device is easily positioned throughout a room or facility to enable fast and effective disinfection cycles. 

How does Moonbeam3 work? 

Cost-effective disinfection assurance – MoonBeam3 is affordable to own and operate. It is quick and easy-to-use, with operation cycles of 3 minutes. Its unique design allows the device to be used in more places and its high-efficiency dosing increases speed, allowing reduced labor and operating costs.

MoonBeam3 adds assurance above and beyond your manual cleaning and disinfection process, reducing the risk for guests, patrons, students and staff. It is simple-to-use and periodic maintenance is limited to bulb replacement, with no tools required. 

Moonbeam3 Benefits 
  • Highly effective – UV-C light provides optimal disinfection in just 3 minutes 
  • Portable unit can move around easily and fit in smaller spaces 
  • Compatibility – Safe and effective for  surfaces 
  • Nontoxic – No fumes or chemicals 
  • Suited for Classrooms, public areas, bathrooms, fixtures, work stations, and offices 
  • Easy to operate – Users only need to know “The 3-P’s”:  Plug in, Position heads and Press start 
  • Cost effective – Low operating cost and minimal maintenance 

Infection Prevention

Our total solution approach includes continued education and resources to address emerging needs, facilitation of evidence-based cleaning and disinfection practices, and products which not only enhance patient safety but also drive improved productivity of staff, lowering the overall cost of care. 

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