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The Water Project

Our flagship charity has been helping communities in sub-Saharan Africa gain access to clean, safe water since 2006.

Sustainable change helping people improve their life, village by village.

In African villages, clean water often is difficult to find and retrieve. As a company serving water-intensive industries around the world and with a strong focus on sustainability, we feel a kinship with those who are helping improve those conditions. Solenis chose The Water Project  as our main charity to help make a difference, especially for women and children who are often responsible for securing this vital resource every day. For the young people, carrying water frequently means leaving their classrooms and disrupting their education. For women, waiting for a trickle to fill a jug means losing time that can be better used on more important things.

The organization works with members of each community to rebuild and revitalize natural springs, construct rainwater catchment systems, build sanitary latrines and handwashing facilities, provide access to disinfectants, and provide basic education on cleanliness and disease-prevention. To ensure long-term success, representatives of The Water Project frequently return to communities to ensure the systems are still functioning properly.

Solenis has supported nine projects so far. Learn more about each below.

Staying Healthy and Happy

School absences and illness have dropped since the water catchment and hygiene project was completed in 2016. Click here to learn more.

Progress During the Pandemic

Transformation of the Inganji Spring from muddy to clear-flowing was especially important as COVID-19 spread through Africa. Click here to learn more .

Always Fresh and Available

A new hand-drilled well replaced one that was dry, ending trips to a swamp and other unsanitary areas for water. Click here to learn more .

Making Life Easier

A contaminated spring was rebuilt to provide a consistent and attractive water source, improving daily life and economic opportunities. Click here to watch a video .

A Life Changer

Women in the village of 200 talked about the difficulties and risks in collecting water and how they never wanted to suffer that way again. Click here to learn more .

Making a Broad Impact

From watering gardens and livestock to washing hands a brushing teeth, the village of 245 is taking advantage of a stronger flow of naturally filtered spring water. Click here to learn more .  

The water supply had dwindled to a trickle, causing long lines for hours in the hot sun. The new spring is gushing water. Click here to learn more.

A shallow pool of water at the bottom of a steep hill has been transformed into a clean and protected source for the community. Click here to learn more.

Water now flows freely, does not stagnate in a pool and is protected from contamination by animals. Click here to learn more.

To learn more about The Water Project or to make a donation, please visit the organization's website by clicking here